Saturday, 7 July 2012

better vision without glasses very usefull

the establishment of the innovative concept of the innovative concept of training is a long process to go through a lot of training. Can be established only under the premise of correct understanding of their innovative ideas, and thus the formation of innovative thinking, resulting in innovative behavior.

    Write an autobiography over the following 10 questions, write an autobiography from the perspective of creative thinking:

    (1) the most meaningful of my life experience?

    (2) which of my early experiences improve vision without glasses had an impact on the formation of my behavior? What is the impact?

    (3) of my life in doing what is the best 12 thing?

    (4) What are the 12 worst things in life done?

    (5) formation of 12 Who is the greatest impact on my attitudes and behavior?

    (6) in my life when the most happiness? Why happiness than any other time?

    (7) in my life when the most tragic than any other time? Why sad?

    (8) from the autobiography, I found most meaningful What is the matter?

    (9) to read the autobiography, I want to change themselves in what areas?

    (10) How do I plan to master fate? What are the requirements for the future?

Writing requirements:
    (1) should be given the fullest answer to each question.

    (2) to think carefully about the questions and answers.

    (3) a clear understanding of your past behavior, but do not evaluate or criticize their own.

    (4) learn from past experience, the experience, so you will be able to take full advantage of now to expand the path of their own thinking.

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